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Advice For A Broken Heart

Advice for a Broken Heart in 25 Steps

Advice for a Broken Heart
Advice for a broken heart

Today, I am sharing advice for a broken heart in 25 steps. These are things you can do to move on after a bad breakup by adding activities every day to improve your energy and heal your heart. These will serve your whole self and aid you in your healing journey.  You do not have to try them all at once.  Try 2 or 3 each week and build on so you are not overwhelmed and do nothing.

1. Exercise

Exercise is something that aids your emotional state and helps you burn some of the negative ones after a bad breakup.  It’s something that you can schedule into your daily routine. It doesn’t need to be a major gym session to count. You can toss on some old clothes and run through a cycle of jumping jacks, lunges, running in place, and sit-ups at home! The key to exercise is to do it regularly and make sure you break a sweat.

2. Enrich Your Mind With An Audiobook/Podcast

Whatever you’d like to improve in terms of personal development(not dating related), you can guarantee there’s a clubhouse room, podcast or an audiobook that covers the subject. Find one that you enjoy and take time out each day to listen. Even if it’s only for 10 minutes.  It could be history, business, philosophy, marketing or just plain self-improvement. People who listen to podcasts love to share their recommendations, just ask someone who holds similar interests to you.

3. Join a Community

Don’t underestimate the value of community. Find a group or forum of like-minded people who are on the same personal development path as you. For example, if you want to improve your meditation practice, you can find a social media group that is talking about it. There may be a lot of fluff that doesn’t interest you, but for every fluff post, you will find something that resonates with you deeply. Additionally, you will find recommendations for books and podcasts on the subject(s) you’re interested in. You can visit your community on a daily basis to ask questions, engage with others who are in similar situations or just to discuss your progress.

4. Take a Walk

More specifically, take a walk in nature or a walking trail near your home. How does this have anything to do with bad breakups or the advice for a broken heart in 25 steps? It gets you up, out, and communing with nature. A walk can serve as an act of meditation. You’re alone with your thoughts, breathing fresh air, and listening to the sounds of nature. When you return from your walk you will immediately notice how much more peaceful, and focused you feel. The more you do it your mind will start to clear and to thoughts other than him. That’s progress.

5. Gaming

Yes, this is permission to play games on a daily basis. Here’s the thing, though. The game that you play, whether it’s video, computer or board, should be a puzzle or a game that requires strategy. It should make you think. The point of this is it’s stretching your brain and making you think about something else. If it’s making you think, then it’s aiding your mind to shift its thinking about other things as your heart heals.

6. Improve Your Other Relationships

This is something that you can do easily. Take a moment out of your day to improve a relationship. This is excellent dating advice for women. Sometimes we may be too fixated on the situation when we are hurting. It only takes a minute to reach out to someone and doing this repeatedly is key to how to heal a broken heart and move on. It might be that you send a funny meme to your sibling, that you call a parent, or just text a friend you haven’t heard from in a while. One day, you will wish you’d done more to improve those relationships. Or, you can make an attempt to improve them now. Your future self will appreciate your efforts and so will your loved ones.

7. Try A New Recipe

Okay, it doesn’t have to be a brand new healthy eating recipe daily. However, you should definitely expand your diet. Try to include something new daily. There will likely be foods that you tried as a child and didn’t like, but don’t just trust your younger self. Try those foods again. Hate tomatoes? You might not know.

Do mushrooms disgust you? Are you sure? When you’re out for dinner, order something you normally wouldn’t. There are amazing foods out there and we’re missing out on them by making the same old thing. Get a little adventurous in your diet every day. It’s a great way to challenge yourself, which is good for a healthier you.

8. Keep a Journal

Learning how to get over a heartbreak, you can keep a physical journal or use a journaling app to process the flood of emotions. I list a few free ones in my Ultimate Breakup Survival Kit.  You don’t have to be a great writer to make a record of your thoughts. There’s something cathartic about writing out your emotions, thoughts, and fears, and talking about your goals. It’s creating a sense of accountability. When you write about these things you are raising your awareness of potential issues or insights into you. You will find it easier to make the necessary mind shift needed to move forward when you learn to be honest with yourself and writing it out is a great way to do that.

9. Do Something You Love

Yes, you should make time to do something that you love every single day. It doesn’t matter what it is. Just make time for it even if it is only 5 minutes.  Right now this is about healing the emotions left homeless and lost after your relationship break up.

10. Make Good Decisions

You make hundreds of decisions every day. When you wake up, you decide to get out of bed. You make a decision about what to wear, what to have for breakfast (or not), what to scroll on your phone, what to post, what to read, what to say, and so on. Those are the little decisions that you make out of habit.

Even some of those are the wrong ones, but it’s the biggest decisions that really count. Like, how you react when you get stuck in traffic. What to prioritize during your workday, how you manage your time… and the better that you are making good decisions, the better your life will be. Making good decisions is a good influence on your soul care.  And unfortunately, broken hearts can greatly influence your decision making . Do not dwell on the relationship by being self-critical that you should have known….  Allow yourself grace and time to heal.  You will get to a point when self-reflection is useful.  But do some healing first.

11. Practice Gratitude Daily

You can tie this to your journaling time or blog, but you can do it in your mind, too. Just make a point of thinking about a few simple things that you’re grateful for. They are little things, ones that you tend to overlook, but make you smile. For example, the smell of your home when you step through the front door, the taste of coffee, air conditioning, hugs, etc.

12. Practice a Hobby

When someone asks what your hobbies are what do you say? Now, be honest. When was the last time you actually practiced any of the hobbies that you share with others? You probably can’t remember. It’s easy to forget our hobbies when life takes over.

There are so many benefits to practicing your hobbies, though! It’s always a job well done, it offers you an outlet for your creativity, keeps your brain engaged, it’s a passion, and it’s something that you can look forward to! Again the beauty of advice for a broken heart in 25 steps, is helps by allowing you to re-focus your mind.

If you are stumped when someone asks you what your hobbies are, then let us help you find a hobby. We’ll give you two great examples of two very different personality types – painting, gardening, working puzzles, and knitting, etc.

Gardening has added benefits, like spending time in nature, staying active, and growing your own flowers, vegetables, and fruit. It’s also stress-relieving! Of course, taking a plant from a seedling to a point where it’s bearing fruit is incredibly satisfying, it’s a reminder that you can make positive changes in the world. It does count as exercise, and it can also help you fight dementia. So, you can see this is a great hobby to have and it’s something that you can easily practice daily.

If you don’t have the knees to tackle gardening, then perhaps you would be more interested in knitting. It’s something that has become incredibly popular with people of all ages, and there’s a good reason for that. Knitting is stress-relieving, it’s something that can reduce the symptoms of chronic pain, anxiety, and depression, too.

As it happens, according to Victoria Schindler, Occupational Therapist, the repetitive motion that comes with crafts like knitting triggers the body’s parasympathetic nervous system, this is what calms your body’s fight or flight response (

13. No Complaining

This isn’t easy but try to go out of your way to avoid complaining. It should be your goal forever. Often, complaining is the way to kick off conversations. We are all guilty of this and for some reason, sharing negativity seems to be an instant way to bond with others. The problem is, it might make you feel better for a moment, but it’s not productive. So, why do we do it? We love to paint ourselves as the victim, but that’s not going to help you improve your personal development. If you find yourself complaining, just steer the conversation away from it.

14. Find an Accountability Partner/Friend

Find an accountability partner. This is someone that you can check in with every day, whether it’s via email, text, or phone calls. It’s important to have someone who isn’t afraid to challenge and motivate you. Advice for a broken heart in 25 steps will help you process through your emotions and having a partner to check in with can help keep you going.

15. Reflection (Not before 4 or 5 days)

If you are truly serious about moving on, then you have to make time to reflect on your progress. You have to be aware of how you’re improving and what you can do to continue improving. The only way to know how you’re doing is to reflect and ask yourself where you are and measure it against where you want to be. You can do this every day. For example – I will only look at his picture twice today.

Tracey McMillan Video advice for a broken heart in 25 steps

16. Be Honest With Yourself

It doesn’t matter how much you talk about doing something, the only thing that will affect change is taking action. It’s the hardest part. Well, no. The hardest part is the honesty you must possess to improve. Be honest, with yourself and others which is why I am sharing advice for a broken heart in 25 steps

Think of yourself as the judge. We are often more critical of ourselves than anyone else is. That can be to your disadvantage when you are trying to get over a bad breakup. The tendency is to replay the scenarios over and over in our heads. At the end of each day, be honest as you reflect on your decisions. How can you do better tomorrow?

17. Measure Your Progress

If it isn’t measurable, is it really aiding your mind shift? Probably not. Everything that you do should be measurable in some way. This is the only way for you to know whether you are moving in the right direction or not. Take mental breaks and check in to keep on track.

It’s also how you know when and where to pivot as you continue on your love journey. So, if you really want to improve don’t focus on or try to meet someone new right now, make sure that your actions are measurable. If something doesn’t seem measurable, find a way to measure it.

18. Learn a New Language

There are countless apps available that offer daily exercises in a foreign language. There are dozens of languages to choose from, and as you embark on this journey you will find yourself interested in the culture. This is a mind-blowing and mind-opening experience that will make you a better person. It will take no more than 10 minutes of your time each day. Or, enroll in a class to learn a new language. It’s likely a weekly class, but you can practice your lessons daily.

19. Early to Rise

Remember to stick to your routine even if you don’t FEEL like it. There are only so many hours in the day, but you can improve your quality of life and boost your productivity by getting up early. The average adult needs just seven to nine hours of sleep each night. So, if you are in bed by 10, a 5 o’clock wake-up is ideal. Think about what you can do with that extra time. You might feel groggy at first, but you’ll soon realize getting up early leaves you feeling more energized.

20. Drive Yourself With To-Do Lists

Don’t underestimate the power of a good to-do list. You should have one every day. This list should be made up of tasks you have to complete and ones you’d like to get done, too. You will notice that it makes you more productive when you have a to-do list.

21. Live a Little Outside Your Comfort Zone

You can’t truly grow and develop until you force yourself into uncomfortable spots. Stop living in your comfort zone and push yourself out of your comfort zone every day! Try going home a different way.

22. Show Kindness

Every day is an opportunity to cultivate love, compassion, patience, and kindness. You can do that by practicing kindness, especially with yourself during this difficult time.  If we’re being really honest with ourselves, we could all do better at extending a bit of grace to others and ourselves.

23. Deal With Bad Habits

It takes time to quit your bad habits. It’s something that you should be working on every day. Tackle one bad habit at a time, whether it’s eating too many sweets, smoking, always being late or biting your nails. An important part of personal development involves leaving those bad habits behind. Quitting a bad habit is something that you have to practice every day until you have stamped it out for at least 21 days.  Experts suggest it takes 21 days to form a new habit.

Even after you quit smoking, you will have to actively make the choice to not smoke for a long time. The same can be said for any bad habit. The best way to deal with purging bad habits is to find a new, healthier habit to replace it. For example, if you want to quit smoking, go for a walk or grab a glass of water when you would normally light up. If you’re a nail-biter, it’s likely because you feel anxious or stressed. Find a more appropriate way to cope with that and learn how to manage your stress more effectively. Once you have squelched one habit, you can move on to the next.

24. Nurture Good Habits

Likewise, it’s important that you nurture your good habits. Of course, the suggestions we have made today are good habits that you should nurture daily. Developing your good habits will help you build your personality, as well as improve your personal development. Think about your good habits, like diet and exercise. It’s easy to practice these daily when you put your mind to it. What about your other good habits? What are they, how do you practice them every day?

25. Be Consistent

Your mind shift won’t happen overnight. It’s something that happens deliberately and ever so slowly. The key to improvement is consistency. It will help you create meaningful change, and this is why people find it so difficult to move forward from bad breakups, change and improve. This is a lifestyle, it’s something you have to do daily. Remember that as you embark on your healing journey.

Advice for a Broken Heart in 25 steps
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Advice for a Broken Heart in 25 steps
Advice for a broken heart gives simple activities to help you move forward day by day and heal your wounded heart.