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Covid 19 And Dating

Covid 19 and Dating

Couple with mask on date

In this time of social distancing, covid 19 and dating, I can’t help but wonder if there might be shifts in our dating behaviors. A shift for singles globally as they find themselves in an interesting situation and my audience which is women, let me first say be safe and well. Next, you may find yourself caught up in a ghosting cycle. By that I mean, if you were dating someone casually, women are finding men using the coronavirus as an excuse to disappear. Understand, social distancing is real. Even so, this should not be an excuse that keeps a man from reaching out to you via text. Or better yet remember that part of the phone that rings? How about real telephone conversations and video chatting?

Covid 19, Dating and Ghosting

Communicating is an important part of dating. And lately, I have read that this as an excuse for not communicating which leads to feeling ghosted. Ghosting can happen at any time, but in online dating and what had previously been at least casual relationships some experience the men they used to see face to face going missing. Poof.

For example, you arranged to meet up and at the last minute he had excuses BEFORE the US began taking the virus more seriously. And now he ties everything to it even why he cannot call. So, ladies pay close attention during this season of craziness and health scares. If he isn’t texting AND calling, BLOCK him.

The Bright Side of the Pandemic

If there is a bright side to this pandemic, as a woman dating, you will clearly know what he thinks about you based on his ACTIONS now. Fortunately, some of you ladies will have pleasant surprises from guys you may not have given the time of day previously. You know this is the man who is calling you and maybe offering to pick up a case of water. Anywho, back to my point about covid19 and dating. You may experience a higher than usual amount of ghosting. Don’t get frustrated. These are 3 quick clues to be on the lookout for as changes in your relationships may occur:

He has stopped communicating or He makes excuses as to why he can’t call and check on you or He does not text or only in late night times. This type of communication is frustrating and can make you feel like you are losing your sanity.

Ladies, keeping your sanity during the pandemic and attempting to keep your dating life or relationship alive can be tough.

But for some clarity even if he is not communicating, you can play detective with your own phone. Use your cellphone bill to tell you the facts about the guy you were seeing.

Be Your Own Dating Detective


Here is what I mean. Do a little detective work on your own love life. Let’s say you were seeing or talking to someone before Covid 19, find his number and go through YOUR phone bill and see if there are more or less incoming calls and texts from him.

Check your emails if it was long distance and you also communicated that way. If the messages are shorter and the time between communication is longer, it is a clear signal he is not interested or that he is ghosting you. Unless he is a first responder or essential personnel, and even a guy who REALLY likes and is interested in you, will take the 5 seconds to communicate. If he does not, then you are doing the chasing.

Time to Heal

Use this unfortunate health situation to disinfect yourself from him too! Use the time to heal with a little self-love and care so when it is over you have a heart open for love again. If you have healed, you might even explore online dating in light of the directives from government agencies and the World Health Organization.

While my focus is on helping others find love and help them with the dating process, I must include some of the facts about covid 19 to my readers.

Covid 19 Facts from the World Health Organization

I am definitely for finding love. But, I believe in being smart and I have included the video with the facts from the WHO. Think about it intimacy and covid 19 dating breaks all of the World Health Organization recommendations – keeping a 6-foot distance and not touching. Let alone hugging and kissing. The bright spot to me is this may be a time to pay attention to a guy who is willing to break all of these protocols as maybe a reckless man. Do you want a guy who already shows this tendency in your life? Covid 19 and dating and ghosting with you turning the tables might not be so bad. Meaning you may need to ghost him. He won’t think twice about breaking your heart.

Covid 19, Hookup Culture & Dating Apps

While hookups are a scary thought during good thoughts, we are all adults here. Most single will have at least one hookup in their dating history. And any of the online dating apps and sites have their share of hookup users. So don’t be fooled into thinking just because most users of the traditional dating sites are used for that reason, some use it to find hookups too.

Covid 19 has added another complexity just like sexually transmitted diseases do. The only difference is it is socially transmitted. Simple touching may lead to the spread of the disease. So much of this pandemic is we just don’t know. And online dating has made is so easy to hookup. There are hookup apps and sites as well as dating apps and sites. Sites such as adult friend finder and Grindr, to name a couple, specialize in connecting adults looking to just connect for a hookup. So if you venture into online dating just be aware that some are looking for more than just dating.

Single and Online Dating Now

On the other hand, if you were single and not dating anyone, you might try online dating to meet new people. The one positive about covid 19 dating and ghosting, you get clearer about who people really are. You cannot create nor sustain a relationship solely via text. So I believe this will give more time for folks to get to know each other. Beware of guys rushing to meet you now trying to be a potential quarantine order.

Survey Says

Furthermore, humans still want to connect and find love maybe even more so in the face of a pandemic. Online dating and apps are a way for us to do that from home. They are a way for us to stay connected.  Bumble is offering users voice and video options through the app. For instance, a survey by OkCupid found globally, 88 percent of people are still dating.

To this point, some dating apps such as OkCupid and Tinder are seeing folks mention looking someone who hasn’t sneezed in the last 24 hours. LOL And in the UK, people are still going on dates.

I am sure it is happening here in the states too. To this fact, OkCupid reported that 93% of their users still willing to go on dates despite recommendations of the current climate of social distancing. So ladies be cautious.

Activity on most of the dating apps is holding steady. I suspect that usage will actually increase as more of us are quarantined or shelter in our homes. Even so, people still want to look for love and stay connected.  Think about it.  It has left us with no other low-risk choice and little else to do. Besides, we are addicted to our digital devices so online dating and dating apps seem a logical place for singles to go.

Covid 19 Dating And Ghosting Tables Turned

Dating apps or not, the dating landscape has changed forever with the reality of Covid 19. It is a socially transmitted disease. And dating is definitely social. Of course, a date usually means you will at least want to touch hands on a first meeting. Can you say stranger danger? LOL

The research found that guys tend to ghost more as noted in my earlier post on ghosting. But in the new environment, you may see more ladies ghosting. In the future, I will share how I survived and screened guys in the online dating culture PRE-covid 19. In situations where you weren’t that enthusiastic about a guy, YOU might stop responding. Ladies protect yourselves and your hearts. Good luck dating in the Covid 19 universe.