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Social Media feeds Insecurity in Relationships

Social Media Feeds Insecurity in Love Relationships

Social Media Feeds Insecurity in Relationships Couple

Psychologists found that social media feeds insecurity in love relationships. Social media can be fun but for some it can feed negative patterns in love relationships. You may accuse your partner of an excessive and often unreasonable amount of social interactions in their DM’s. Those who deal with insecurities often feel nervousness when in situations where you fear your partner is losing interest.

There may also be fears of making mistakes or being humiliated where your social media community can see your relationship or fights play out in front of others also feeds your anxiety. It is these fears and feelings that can contribute significantly to insecurity. There are several ways that social anxiety contributes to insecurity.


For women, social media is the most detrimental to women’s self-confidence which can lead to social anxiety. It can make you feel overly self-conscious about yourself. Your worries about judgment, rejection, or critique can cause you to doubt yourself. Your focus begins to center upon flaws or imperfections. This may cause you to feel that another person treats you in a negative manner. The overuse of social media feeds insecurity in relationships. This causes you to fixate on what you perceive as being wrong with yourself and leads to insecurities. You think others have the perfect life or partner forgetting that all of those pictures are just a moment.


Fear experienced as a result of social anxiety can also lead to insecurity. When you are fearful you are constantly flooded with images of seemingly perfection reflected on social media it leads to worries, generally about yourself. You may fear how others will view you, treat you, or respond to you.

You may also fear how you may act or respond in certain situations in such a public forum. This fear causes doubts that contribute to insecurity. Social media affects women more negatively than men typically. This makes you question yourself and play the worst-case scenario in your mind. Thus fueling the way social media feeds insecurity in love relationships in modern dating.


A large part of social anxiety is the fear that you will say/do something to cause humiliation to yourself. Social media has made many of us strive to a level of perfection that is impossible without good lighting and great makeup. Even when nothing is done to create this outcome, the anxiety caused on social media when you see you partner respond to the opposite sex is upsetting. It can create the same type of damage as if something had actually occurred. Feelings of low self-confidence can lead to insecurity by causing us to see ourselves in a flawed or negative light.


Social anxiety often leads those who struggle with it to isolate themselves from others. Isolation can be a major contributor to insecurity. Insecurities thrive in environments where they go unchallenged with new information. You create room for your insecurities to grow because they are being fed only by your own negative thoughts and perceptions. In the end, the negative impact of social media on romantic relationships play out publicly every day. Just ask celebrities.

Social media really plays into the 7 most common insecurities most of us have with relationship stability being number one. As a result, your insecurities can get bigger and you to become more unsure of your relationship. Men and women both have insecurities but the social status of being in a relationship seems to be more important to women.  The health crisis that locked us in our homes added fuel to this fire.

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Broken Relationships and Social Media

Naturally, if social media can also lead people to isolation, then a breakdown in relationships is an expected outcome. Overuse of social media or oversharing about your relationship can feed insecurities that are likely to grow. Or you scrutinize your relationship which may negatively impact your self-confidence and increase suspicion about your partner not loving us.

Not just because you’re isolated and unable to gain a more positive perspective from other people. Also, the breakdown in personal, professional, and other types of relationships will lead to doubts about your own value, worth, and significance to others. Always seeing the relationships in your life fall apart can easily lead you to feel that something is wrong with them, making insecurities about oneself even larger over time. Also, it leads to more confusion about relationships.

Irum Abbasi investigated the relationship between social media addiction and social media infidelity-related behavior. He found social media addiction to be associated with social media infidelity-related behavior. In other words, those respondents with high scores on social media addiction also produced high scores on social media infidelity-related behavior. This could be a validation of reasons that social media feeds insecurity in relationships.

Social media and insecurity can be linked to one another. This is why it is important to be aware of the impact of social media on our love relationships.

While insecurities because of social media can be normal, fear or anxiety that causes you to be overly suspicious of your partner can damage your relationship. Being able to engage with others on social media should be dealt with so that you don’t find yourself in a heartbreaking situation.

Social Media Feeds Insecurity in Love Relationships
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Social Media Feeds Insecurity in Love Relationships
Social Media Feeds Insecurity in Love Relationships, breakups and self-confidence for many women. Social media makes you think perfection exists.